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The 4 Quadrants of Success
Workshop by David A. Romero



AGES: 16+



$600 (plus travel and lodging)

Download workshop description



Presentation and poems - 60 minutes

Group activity - 30 minutes

Group presentations - 20 minutes

Closing discussion - 10 minutes

Total time: 120 minutes (2 hrs)



BY POPULAR DEMAND, a workshop on how to plan for success as an emerging artist/entrepreneur! What do you need to do to succeed? Plan for work. How do you plan? Map out these 4 things: branding, products, marketing, and sales for everything you do!


This workshop culminates in a breakout session where participants are put into groups and tasked with planning the 4 Quadrants of Success for mock startup companies that they will create on the spot!


Romero will then listen to their presentations and reward the group he feels best embodies the 4 Quadrants of Success.


The 4 Quadrants of Success gives attendees a framework that is easy to remember that will teach them how to set goals and how to achieve them!









The 4 Quadrants of Success has been presented at:


ï‚· Colorado Mesa University
ï‚· Cal Poly Pomona 

ï‚· UC Riverside
ï‚· University of Southern California (with the Community Literature Initiative)





David A. Romero has not yet developed a flyer template for this workshop. However, if you decide to book The 4 Quadrants of Success, Romero can design a flyer for the event for no extra fee.



*All workshops include a performance from David A. Romero.


**Workshop requires projector, projection screen, laptop connection, sound system and microphone (preferably cordless). Paper and writing utensils must be provided by students or host institution(s). This workshop also requires markers and butcher paper for breakout activity.


$600 (plus travel and lodging)

Download workshop description


Travel and lodging can be handled in two ways: 1) the university makes the arrangements on Romero's behalf (preferred) or, 2) Romero makes the arrangements and is reimbursed with the total check.


Can’t afford the rates? Contact Romero with an offer and see if he can write off the difference as a charitable donation! 

For booking, contact:



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