David Romero: Power Through a Mic - Changing Society through the Spoken Word
March 2017
By June Martinez
In Trump's America, there are new protests, marches, and new companies to boycott on an almost daily basis. These forms of resisting are educating others and creating a much-needed conversation between groups of people.
David A. Romero, a 32-year-old graduate of the University of Southern California, is a multi-generational Mexican-American who is only fluent in English due to the belief his parents had about only speaking English in their household. Romero is a professional spoken word artist from Diamond Bar who originally became familiar with spoken word poetry via YouTube videos of various performers on HBO's Def Poetry while in college. Romero now travels around the country in hopes of bringing awareness and creating a dialogue about social and political issues that face the people of America.
"I write to tell my story—I also write to try to change the world," said Romero.
Romero's poetry and performances are packed with humor and he acknowledges that there is tension because he is speaking on issues that are serious to a number of people.
"Sometimes, I worry about the dissonance between the two. I find reassurance in the fact that those who have seen the wide range of things I do, have often described my work as 'human,' meaning it's vulnerable, fallible, and at times, mundane, but can also be filled with all the joys and tragedies of life," said Romero.
Romero has worked with age groups that vary from elementary students to the elderly. Most of the artist's workshops take place on college and university campuses and have students as the primary participants. He currently offers twelve workshops covering everything from contemporary social issues to grassroots organizing and entrepreneurial skills.
Romero's "Last Words: Giving Victims a Voice" is a workshop that aims to place participants in the victims' shoes, the victims of hate crimes and police brutality. The victims all have different socio-economic, race, gender, faith, and sexual preferences. The workshops include a short performance by Romero and a group discussion surrounding hate crimes and police brutality.
"People often tell me that they had never considered what it would be like to be of that different identity and that it changed their view of the world and it would lead them to change how they interacted with and treated others," said Romero.
Romero doesn't want "people to turn away from all the ugly things going on in the world." By creating a safe place for groups of people to discuss the important issues surrounding the nation and its constituents, hopefully the country can move forward and find some resolution.
Romero currently has dates for his workshop scheduled at The University of Missouri, The University of Utah, The University of New England, and St. Cloud State University.
For more information regarding David A. Romero and his work visit his website at www.DavidARomero.com .
View the original article HERE.