The 286
These were the years of the 286
Whirring motor and compressed air
Refuge and wait
The limbo between worlds
Paid my way with bills and change
Three cities
Two counties
A route northeast
To that community named after some ancient goddess
That near neighbor
Like border town
Like privileged kids slumming it
A place of everyday people
And everyday struggles
But for this passenger
Of danger and intrigue
A place for dreams
The second
To that county south
We once celebrated
The mall and the theaters
An air-conditioned heaven
Of casual dining and the promise of Disneyland
Not too far in the distance
And where should this bus take me to
But a seemingly dead-end job in the same city
Of dangerous machinery and physical labor
To side hustles in the early morning hours
To offices to sign countless documents
To pay bills for crimes that lingered and lingered
A life caught between stops
Requested only by something broken in me
Or never fully functional in the first place
How long could I ride my life?
Stare at my phone or look through windows
Watching Pomona
Diamond Bar
With their streetlights and street signs
Deep nights
And early yearnings pass me by?
And car riders
Those privileged enough
To have never relied on the 286
To have never waited on that train of an automobile
Chugging and whooshing
Would ask,
“How do you do it?”
“Isn’t it dangerous?”
And each question
Illuminated like route marquee
Just how different
The lives of people
Intersected by route
Those who would never know bus
And those who would never know car
Because this is California
And public and transportation
Meet at different intersections
And should some experience
Unexpected hardship
To commit white collar crimes
To consume prescription pills
Until they die
Anything to avoid the stench
Of passenger
The sharing of seat
The exchange of conversation
The abrupt confrontations
That could break out at an any moment
And no escape except
The next stop
A few blocks up
And who knows how long it could take
To get back on?
Or how hot or cold it would be
On the walk?
And you
I know you
You wrecked your car
Lost your license
But I still see you from the 286
Behind the wheel of something new
Because your money never knew penance
Your checking account never knew change
You borrowed more money from your parents
And had the nerve
To give me lectures
About how I needed to save
And for you riders still riding
I see you too
Sitting tight clutching purses
Earbuds in singing
Or quietly nodding
Those leaning over seats
Engaging in impromptu interviews
Of your fellow passengers
Like it’s your own late night show
And though you would never admit it
This is the best your day is going to get
I promise I won’t forget
When car riders and drivers
See measures on ballots
See funds proposed towards transit
Lament corruption
And euphemisms for what they think of your lives
I will vote “yes”
For the renovations
The seats
The heaters
The air-conditioners
The wheelchair access
The bike rack
The wheels
The motors
May they carry you
And ferry you to your destination
Because the 286
Connects these cities
With a whirring motor and compressed air
You may ride it someday
Look at the schedule
Anxiously awaiting
Gazing at road, anticipating
Future’s arrival.
I wish you well on your journey.